Justice for Survivors: Campaign Press Release

Press Release 21 February 2025

Project Resist is working in collaboration with the Girlington Centre in Bradford to support black and minority women who continue to encounter prejudices and obstacles when reporting domestic abuse and coercive control to the police. Yet again, we see systemic misconduct and incompetence in the police handling of such cases. Our work with Shareen and the Girlington Centre forms part of our advocacy work to improve women's access to justice.

The Girlington Centre

Girlington Road Bradford BD8 9NN Tel: 01274 542454 E-mail: info@girlington.org.uk

E-mail for correspondence: rowlandsvalgatcinfo@gmail.com

Nothing has changed: West Yorkshire Police Response to domestic abuse is riddled with delays, disinterest, racism and misogyny:

West Yorkshire Police are seriously failing women who experience violence, abuse and coercive control. They have displayed a total lack of urgency and commitment towards our client SHAREEN since she first reported crimes of serious domestic abuse and coercive control that she experienced from the hands of her ex-husband in July 2023.

The police FAILED to investigate these crimes with the seriousness they deserved when Shareen first reported them. They closed her case citing lack of evidence when in fact there was considerable evidence that they didn't bother to gather. In February 2024 with the help of Pragna Patel, co-director of Project Resist, we assisted our client to lodge a VICTIM'S RIGHT TO REVIEW. This is the process that gives victims of crime a right to call for a review of a police decision not to charge a suspect.

Shareen was granted a right to a review and ni August 2024 West Yorkshire Police responded by stating theywouldbegina second investigationinto theseserious crimes. 19 MONTHS AFTER SHAREEN'S FIRST REPORT THERE IS STILL NO OUTCOME despite us having sent several chasing emails asking about the progress of the investigation. The impact of police delay and indifference has been devastating on Shareen's mental health. She has been victimised twice, first by her husband and now by the police.

Shareen says:

"I feel very angry. I have been stigmatised by the police as an Asian woman because the police assumed that I would not see this through. When the investigating officer put my accusations to my husband he of course denied them. On this basis and this basis alone the decision was made that there was no evidence. But this was not all. When she told me about my husband's denials she also said "he was very upset". Ifelt totally abused by this clear bias in his favour.

I got the right to review but still, even after all this time, the police have not looked at all the evidence. This experience has been traumatising and I am devastated by the failure by the police to respect principles of justice".

The Girlington Centre, Girlington Community Centre, Girlington Road, Bradford, BD8 9NN Company Number: 12042987 Charity Number: 1194595



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